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British Council International School Award

We are currently working towards the British Council International School Award.   This involves a number of activities across the curriculum where children have an opportunity to learn about different countries and cultures.  We have also developed links with four schools in France (one for every year group) where we can communicate by email, letters, cards to learn more about France, practise our French and learn about life in France.

We believe that it is essential for children to learn about the countries and cultures around the world so that it prepares them for life and living in modern day Britain.   Our completed activities towards the British Council International School Award are listed below.

School Travel Plan

We are working with Hertfordshire County Council to promote a safer and environmental friendly ‘School Travel Plan’.   Throughout the year, we will be promoting a number of initiatives on this matter.  This will be shared on the school newsletter and on this page on the school website.

Sports Mark

We have achieved the Gold Sports Mark.