Parental Involvement
At Ashfield we try to create an atmosphere where parents feel welcome—where staff and parents can talk openly and honestly and where parents’ opinions, support and involvement are highly valued. We positively encourage parents to help with activities such as cooking, art, reading, library and other extra-curricular activities.
We recognise the key role that parents play in their children’s education and through a close partnership. We aim to provide the very best education possible for the children. If parents have any concerns, they are encouraged to discuss them with the Class Teacher in the first instance or the Headteacher.
The behaviour of our children is generally very good. We have an ethos of consideration and respect and the staff act as good role models. We expect all stakeholders of the school community including staff, governors, parents and pupils to model the school’s core values: respect, kindness, resilience and cooperation. We encourage all our children to show care, courtesy and respect at all times not only to all the adults who work in school, but to each other too. Positive praise and encouragement are used to maintain a positive and happy atmosphere in school. Children are rewarded with house points for following the school rules, exceptional work and for modelling our school values and children are celebrated in our weekly achievement assembly. Staff have received STEPS training and understand the therapeutic approach to supporting children with their behaviour.
Parents will be invited to come into school to discuss situations where children’s behaviour becomes unacceptable or is causing concern. Our Behaviour Policy promotes positive behaviour but also outlines consequences for children that do not follow the rules including a section on bullying and racism. We have zero tolerance of bullying and racism. A copy of our Behaviour Policy is available on the school website (see Policies) or you can contact the school office.
First Aid & Medical Care
Please let us know of any problems concerning your child’s health, particularly if it is a serious or recurring problem. Children should not bring any medicines into school. They may not have cough or throat sweets in school. If your child needs to take prescribed medicine (e.g. antibiotics or antihistamine eye drops), it should usually be administered outside school hours. If this is not possible it should be brought to the school office by a parent or nominated adult where you will need to complete the appropriate form. All medicines must be labelled clearly with your child’s name. Only prescribed medicines will be administered. They will be given by the staff in the school office. Parents are requested not to approach another member of staff to administer medicines.
It is school policy that children do not return to school following illness with sickness or diarrhoea for at least 48 hours.
Children who have had a fever should maintain a normal temperature for 24 hours before coming back to school.
We are advising parents and carers that children who test positive for COVID-19 should be kept off school for at least 5 days from the date they tested positive.
Accident or Illness in School
Minor injuries such as cuts or grazes are dealt with in school by staff who have a First Aid qualification. If a child has an accident or is taken ill in school, every effort will be made to contact parents. Children who bump their heads will be issued with a ‘bumped head’ sticker as a warning to all the adults in school to keep a close eye on them should develop symptoms of concussion, and as an alert to parents that they can also monitor their child closely.
Emergency Contacts
Every parent is required to complete an admissions form on their child’s entry to the school. We re-issue them annually so that parents can keep us updated with the contact details. It is very important that we have up to date contact details so that parents may be contacted if their child is involved in an accident or is taken ill. We ask parents to inform us immediately of any changes to their contact details.
At Ashfield School we take the issue of security very seriously and make every effort to ensure our children stay in and intruders stay out. We have locks on all outside doors and have a security pad system for our front and internal door. All visitors must be signed in and are given a badge. Children leaving the premises for medical or other reasons, must be signed out at the office and late-comers signed in.