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School Blog

  • ASHA Donation

    ASHA have kindly donated money to each class so they were able to spend it on wet play games. Over the summer we were also fortunate to receive money from ASHA to purchase playground equipment.

  • Year 5 Moving Toys

    Year 5 have really enjoyed their new D.T. Unit ‘Moving Toys’. They have been creative and innovative with their designs. They have worked cooperatively to support each other with their designs, as well as showing a lot of determination and perseverance. Well done Year 5!

  • Visit from Watford Schools Trust

    On Wednesday we had a visit from Watford Schools Trust, to talk about the true meaning of Christmas They helped the children understand the significance of the different coloured baubles; and even had time to perform a magic trick. 

  • Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day

    A very festive day with our Christmas jumper and lunch, followed by Christmas activities in the afternoon which was enjoyed by all.


  • Year 6 D.T. Electric Cards

    Year 6 have loved the new Design and Technology unit on creating electric cards.  They have used their science skills and knowledge to help create an electric circuit using copper write, bulb and a battery to create their electric card.  Their designs were excellent and very creative!
  • Year 3 Performance

    Our Year 3 children put on a fantastic performance of the Nativity Story. They impressed us with their singing, dancing and acting skills. It was a very amusing play! Well done Year 3.

  • Christmas Carols at St. James’ Church

    It was lovely to see the whole school at St. James’ Church to sing carols and learn more about the Christmas story at St. James’ Church. Father David who led our service was very welcoming and the children’s singing was fantastic. It was a nice way to start the last week of the autumn term.

  • Forces Club-melting snowmen biscuits

    This week in forces club the children enjoyed making melting snowmen biscuits, with icing and marshmallows.

  • Hanukkah Assembly

    On Tuesday we had a visit from the Jewish School Tour with Rabbi Yosef, who hosted another wonderful assembly. This time about the Jewish festival of lights, Hanukkah. The children learned why the dreidel is significant and why there are 8 candles on a menorah.


  • 4M Cornet Performance to Parents

    Throughout this academic year, 4M have been exploring the world of music through brass instrumentation, specifically the cornet. They have been learning about all aspects of music including the historic, cultural and performance-based significance of the craft.
    On Tuesday, 4M had the chance to perform in front of their parents and they’ve all enjoyed listening to the Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Star Wars.
    Well done to 4M and some other children in Y5 and 6 for a great performance and a big thank you to all the parents who were able to attend this event.

  • Year 3 Visit to Bushey Library

    Year 3 visited Bushey Library on Tuesday and during this visit, the children had an introduction to the library and the services it provides, listened to a story called ‘Shark in the Park!’ by Nick Sharratt and then had the chance to browse and borrow a book.

  • Year 4 Science Experiment

    Year 4 conducted a very messy, but engaging experiment this week to demonstrate the journey our food takes through the digestive system – in one end and ALL the way out the other.

  • Kings Lieutenant workshop – Year 6

    It has been a busy week at Ashfield.  On Friday, we were visited by representatives of the King’s Lieutenant who delivered a workshop about the monarchy and the Commonwealth Values.  Our visitors led a workshop for Year 6 where they explored the Commonwealth Values in more detail.  It was good to see children actively taking part and discussing the importance of values including Democracy, Rule of Law, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Tolerance Respect and Understanding and Access to Health, Education and Shelter. It was good to see the children debating about the significance of these values.   

  • Year 4 Trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor

    On Wednesday, Year 4 visited Bhaktivedanta Manor in Watford to support their learning in RE. They were invited into the Shrine to see the beautiful Murti’s; and had a lesson on the importance of the soul. Some children had the opportunity to dress up as the tri-murti and their Goddess wives. They also had time to feed the cows and visit the Panganur Cattle, a small breed native to India. 

  • Basketball Tournament

    On Thursday and Friday last week, the children took part in our bi-annular Basketball Tournament. The weather for once was good in November and we even saw the sun at times! It was undoubtedly one of the best tournaments we have hosted at Ashfield. Both Mr Jones and I were delighted to witness the high standard of teamwork from each team; the children applied the skills they have been learning in PE successfully. For each Year Group, most finalists came down to either points difference or last-minute baskets. In Year 4, the final itself was settled by a sudden death winner! That game was incredibly close.
    In all Year Groups the children demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship and upheld the Ashfield School values of Resilience, Respect, Kindness and Cooperation. It remains hard for teachers and Mr Jones to select the Fair Play Winners and School Value Winners at the end. A list of winners can be found below. We could award far more mmcertificates than we do.
    A huge thank you to Mr Jones and the Elms Coaches for running the event and a massive congratulations to all the children who took part and made the Basketball Tournament so fantastic. I am looking forward to our Hockey Tournament in the Spring Term.
    Mr Hardy.

  • The Elms Multi-Sports Leaderboard Winners

    Mr Jones attended achievements assembly last week to present Ella (3L) and Maya (5G) their certificates for being The Elms Multi-sports leaderboard winners.

  • Year 6 visit to Whipsnade Zoo

    Year 6 visited Whipsnade Zoo as part of their Science Topic on Evolution and Inheritance and had a fascinating day. They looked carefully at rhinos, giraffes and flamingos to see how the species have adapted to their environments over time.

  • Anti Bullying Week

    This week, we have been learning about anti-bullying.  This year’s theme is ‘Respect‘ which is also one of our school values.  In our class assembly, we looked at ways at being a safer and more respectful school.  The School Council also set out an antibullying poster competition and the winning posters will be laminated and displayed around the school.
                                                                   Northern Ireland clubs urged to back Anti-Bullying W...
  • Remembrance Assembly

    On Monday, our Year 6 children led our Remembrance Day Assembly. We were joined by some of our Forces families  who talked about the significance of Remembrance Day and why it is important to them. After the assembly and two minute silence, Mr Dourado, parents, and children from the Forces families walked to the Memorial at the end of School Lane to lay a poppy wreath. Thank you to the Year 6 pupils and staff for leading the assembly and to the families that came to support the school.

  • Year 4 Diwali Assembly

    The children learned about various religions that celebrate this bright and colorful festival . The message of the Diwali story (good triumphs over evil) was a point of reflection. It was a beautiful coming together of our Ashfield community as we appreciate one of our many cultures within.

  • Year 5 Harvest Assembly

    The Year 5  Harvest Assembly was EXCELLENT and it was nice to see a lot of parents and carers visit the school.  It is always nice to celebrate Harvest Festival – it is a time to be thankful for the food that we have. But more importantly, it is about giving something back to the community and for those in need.  A big thankyou to all the families for their kind donations. The food has been donated to the Red Trust Bushey who have a food bank at St James Church.

  • Year 6 Art

    This term, Year 6 have been exploring and creating 2d images onto 3d designs.   The finished artwork were these creative cereal boxes.  Well done Year 6!

  • World Mental Health Day

    On 10th October, we had an assembly and class activities on how we can look after our mental health and improve our wellbeing. We learnt more about our mental health and how it focuses our mind, emotions and wellbeing and how it affects how we think, feel and act. We learnt that it is okay to feel different emotions but if you have uncomfortable emotions, you should always talk to a trusted adult. To support our mental health, there are lots of things that we can do including: eating healthy foods, spending time with people you love, listen to music, do an activity you enjoy, show kindness and help others, do something active, colouring/artwork, drink water, getting a good night sleep and spending time outdoors.

  • Year 4 Cornet Lesson

    4M are enjoying their cornet lesson this term with Miss Oliver. They have learnt how to hold the cornet , rhythm’s, lengths/durations of notes and how to read music on a musical stave. They will soon start learning how to play their first tune ‘Hot Cross Buns’.

  • European Languages Day


    Bonjour, bom dia, beunos dias!  This week, we celebrated European Languages Day with an assembly led by Mrs Kothary who is our French subject leader.  It was nice to see children talk about and celebrate the many different languages that they can speak, whether it was an European  language  or from another country around the world.  Children shared that they could speak French, Spanish,   Italian, Greek, Albanian, Ukrainian, Romanian and Polish to name just a few European languages.     Children could also speak Mandarin, Urdu, Malay and Tamal to name just a few more languages from around the world.  Learning another language is very important and research shows that there are many cognitive benefits to learning a language.  It is also a lovely way to learn about other cultures and customs.  Merci beaucoup!

  • Year 6 Tie Assembly

    The Year 6 Tie Assembly was excellent and it was lovely to see the pupils receive their new Ashfield tie.  Year 6 have settled in really well and carrying out their jobs and responsibilities around the school with pride.
  • Welcome to Ashfield Junior School Blog

    Welcome to our new school blog.

    This blog will be uploaded with photos and information about school events and activities.  We hope that you enjoy this.