“What a computer is to me is the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with…” (Steve Jobs). Computing at Ashfield teaches our children vital skills which they can carry forward throughout the rest of their lives. We aim to provide our pupils with a capability in computing and coding that will allow them to be creative in a variety of practical and inventive ways, spark their curiosity about the world around them and understand the wonderful ways in which we can communicate and connect with others.
Computing is a skill that empowers, and one that all pupils must be given the chance to develop competency in. Pupils who can think computationally are able to conceptualise and solve problems and put this knowledge into practice across other areas of the curriculum.
Computing is taught in carefully sequenced steps. We help the children to develop their proficiency in using a range of devices, navigating programmes and software and we teach them the importance of using the internet safely and responsibly. E-safety is a major focus in our curriculum and we make sure that our students understand the importance of safe internet use (at home and at school) during computing lessons and during a whole-school ‘Safer Internet’ focus day in February, which includes a school assembly and class-based activities. Our North Star is for Ashfield children to leave our school with a love of technology, feeling well – equipped with the information and skills needed to use that technology safely and responsibly as active participants in a digital world.
‘A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.’ The Primary National Curriculum Framework 2014.
At Ashfield, we use the Teach Computing scheme of work to deliver our Computing curriculum. This scheme of work has been designed by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and funded by the Department for Education and supports teachers to draw on the expertise of the NCCE to ensure quality provision and teaching of Computing at Ashfield.
The children are taught through practical lessons, using appropriate IT hardware and software. The curriculum in each year group covers Computer Networks, so that the pupils develop an understanding of how the internet is used to share information, creating Digital Media, Data and Information and Programming, whilst incorporating eSafety into every lesson.
Our pupils have access to laptops and iPads to support every aspect of their learning. These give the children an opportunity to use algorithms and programming skills, seeing the practical effect of their programming.
Our Computing lessons will include:
- A progression of Computing skills and knowledge
- A clear sequence of learning for each unit
- Specific Computing vocabulary for units of work and year group
- Provide opportunities to reflect and build on prior learning
- Make links with other subjects in the curriculum
- Adaptive teaching and High Quality Teaching strategies
- Differentiated activities or support for children with SEND
The curriculum has been designed to progressively develop pupils’ skills and understanding in different aspects of computing. By Year 6 pupils are confident users of computer technology, keen to learn and to challenge themselves further. They also demonstrate a good understanding of how to stay safe online, asking help from adults when they are concerned about internet interactions.
- Children talk passionately about their learning in Computing and demonstrate new knowledge and skills in lessons
- Children use and apply a range of technical Computing vocabulary
- Children can articulate how to keep safe online and what to do if they feel unsafe
- Children are engaged in Computing lessons and show confidence using a range of software
Our children will be successful and engaged in lessons because:
- Teachers use assessment for learning to inform planning to address misconceptions and gaps in learning
- Teachers build on a progression of skills and knowledge from the previous year
- Teachers make links and connections with prior learning in Computing and in other curriculum subjects
- Teachers scaffold activities, model technical vocabulary and follow a structured scheme of work with a sequence of learning that enables all children can make progress