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School Meals & Milk


Our school kitchen is run by Caterlink. To find out more about them, follow the link.

All meal options are £3.00. Payments should be made through the Caterlink website.  If you require your log in details please ask the school office.

Children will be able to choose their school meal on the day.

You are, of course still welcome to provide your own packed lunch for your child.  We request that you provide a packed lunch that is a balanced diet and is healthy.   We request that no nuts or food containing nuts is brought into school. Sweets and fizzy drinks are also not allowed.

Free School Meals

If your child is eligible for ‘Free School Meals’ and you register them for this, we’ll receive extra funding called ‘Pupil Premium’.  We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources at the school.

What is Pupil Premium funding?

Pupil Premium funding from the government is given to schools to help pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation.

It’s provided for pupils who:

  • Are registered for free school meals
  • Have been registered for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years
  • Are, or have been, in care

At Ashfield Junior School we get an extra £1,385 for every eligible pupil who is registered for free school meals. This extra money could make a real difference to the quality of education we offer.  For example, we’ve previously used pupil premium funding for:

  • Educational provision/resources
  • Academic interventions

In addition to the benefit to the school as a whole your child will benefit from:

  • Free milk
  • Subsidised school trips
  • Subsidised clubs
  • Subsidised music lessons through Herts Music Service
If you are experiencing economic hardship, please contact Mr Dourado (Headteacher) for advice or guidance.
Pupil Premium School Link: Miss H Flint (Deputy Headteacher)
Pupil Premium Link Governor: Usma Collins

Does my child have to eat the Free School Meals?

No. Pupils who are registered for Free School Meals don’t have to eat them. If you’re eligible but you want your child to have packed lunches you should still register because the school will receive the funding which can support your child in other ways.

Is my child eligible for Free School Meals?/ How do I register?

You only need to register once at the school. To register, please go to the link below where you will be able to check your eligibility and apply online:

If you have any queries with applying, you can email or enquire at the school office.


If your child would like to drink a carton of milk during snack time, you can register and pay for this online.   Simply visit:

and select ‘register my child for school milk’.

Snack Time

Every morning, children are given 10 to 15 minutes for ‘Snack and Chat’.  This will give children to have a small snack and join in on a discussion in class.   We are promoting healthy eating and request that children bring in a portion of fruit or vegetables.  Children that bring in any other snack will not be permitted to eat these during snack time.