South West Herts Partnership s a family focussed/needs-led partnership working alongside children and their families to ensure access to a wide range of early support with a non-judgemental friendly approach. Our ethos is underpinned by principles of choice, flexibility and respect. We offer a free and confidential family support service to families whose children attend any of the 69 schools that currently buy into our services.
Parenting can be one of the most difficult and challenging roles we undertake, especially in times of hardship or crisis. We work with families by helping them overcome social, emotional and physical barriers by giving them practical advice, support and the right tools and strategies. This enables them to feel more confident, improve self-esteem and achieve positive relationships. We believe that by supporting parents/carers with parenting skills, this will improve a child/young person’s behaviour in the home and at school helping them to achieve their full potential and remove any barriers to learning.
You can access our service by approaching your child(ren)’s school. They will then make a decision on whether to refer to the Family Support Service.
If you would like further information or request support please contact the school office or speak to Mr Dourado or Miss Arthur. You can see what services our Family Support Worker offers by visiting their website:
Families First
Hertfordshire’s Families First website provides valuable information, advice, and support for families. It covers a wide range of topics, including parenting advice, childcare, emotional and mental health, relationship support, and services for young people.
If you need more help beyond your usual support network (such as health visitors, schools, or family centres), Families First can work with you to create a personalized package of support. It’s available to all Hertfordshire families with children under 18 (or up to 25 if they have a learning need or disability).
Visit the Families First website for resources and assistance: