Year 4 French Café

French Café 6th and 7th June 2024

Last week Year 4 hosted a delightful French Café in our dining hall, creating an atmosphere brimming with excitement and community spirit. The event was a resounding success, with enthusiastic children and supportive parents in attendance.

The French Café was inaugurated with a heart – warming performance by the children, who sang traditional songs with remarkable melody and precision. Their efforts in learning these songs added a melodious charm to the event, setting a joyful and authentic tone for the proceedings.

Adding to the authenticity, the dining hall was transformed with French Bistro music playing softly in the background and the space adorned with bunting and the ‘tricolore’ table decorations that evoked the ambiance of a quaint French café. This immersive environment was further enriched by the children’s use of the French language. They meticulously practised their pronunciation while handing out handmade menus and taking orders from their parents, showcasing their language skills and confidence.

The café served a delightful array of refreshments, including du chocolat chaud, du thé, du café, du jus d’orange, des croissants, des pains au chocolat, des crepes and des tartlettes. It was a wonderful sight to see everyone utilising their French language skills to the best of their ability. The children’s dedication and enthusiasm were evident and their interactions in French brought smiles and pride to many faces.

Parents were evidently pleased with their children’s progress and confidence in French, as revealed in conversations throughout the event. Their supportive presence and positive feedback underscored the success of the French Café, highlighting the collaborative effort between school and families in fostering language learning.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who generously left donations. The success of such events is deeply rooted in the support of our parents and we are grateful for their contributions. Looking ahead, we are excited to host another French Café, eager to bring the Ashfield School community together once again in celebration of learning, culture and community spirit.