Author's posts

Open Evening

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at Open Evening this week.  The school looked amazing and the work on display was outstanding! The children and staff have worked so hard this year and it is lovely to see so many subjects on display.  The children who performed for their parents on …

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4V Cornet Performance to Parents

It was a pleasure to watch 4V perform the cornet this week.   It was lovely to see how much progress they have made over the last three months.  They played some fantastic songs! The theme to Star Wars and We Will Rock You were my favourite.  It was also amazing to see three of our …

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Mini Police

On Tuesday the Police came to Ashfield to deliver a Peace Day workshop for Year 6 in preparation for secondary transition.  They focused on a number of themes including anti-social behaviour and how to keep safe. As part of the Mini-Police programme for Year 5, the Police also brought in some equipment including helmets and …

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Year 6 Visit to Bentley Priory Museum

This week Year 6 visited Bentley Priory museum, The Headquarters of the RAF Fighter  Command during the Battle of Britain. They learnt how the Battle of Britain was fought and won, explored how radar was used to plot enemy raids and how RAF and WRAF personnel masterminded the defence of Britain.

King’s Lieutenant Visit

This week, we had a visit from representatives of the King’s Lieutenant of Hertfordshire.  Unfortunately, the Lord Lieutenant was unable to join us for the visit as he had an important meeting to attend.  However, his representatives delivered a very special assembly to support children with understanding more about the monarchy and about the Commonwealth …

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Year 4 French Café

French Café 6th and 7th June 2024 Last week Year 4 hosted a delightful French Café in our dining hall, creating an atmosphere brimming with excitement and community spirit. The event was a resounding success, with enthusiastic children and supportive parents in attendance. The French Café was inaugurated with a heart – warming performance by …

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Year 5 Mini Police

Year 5 delivered an assembly to parents on Tuesday showcasing what they have learnt from the Mini-Police Programme.  The themes they covered included road safety, bullying, anti-social behaviour and internet safer.  It was nice to see the children work cooperatively to deliver their message.  PC Carter was very impressed with their recall and creativity! At …

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Year 4 Athletics – Long Jump and Shot Putt

Football Skills Workshop

What a fantastic way to start the last half-term.  On Monday, we invited Ash Randall to deliver an assembly and workshop to teach them some football skills!  We had a lot of fun learning some new tricks and skills.  Ash also talked to children about having a growth mindset as it has taken A LOT …

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Games Day

Today we celebrated games day, the children showed excellent school values throughout the day participating in a number of different games, we had a wonderful time.