Category: whole school

ASHA Donation

ASHA have kindly donated money to each class so they were able to spend it on wet play games. Over the summer we were also fortunate to receive money from ASHA to purchase playground equipment.

Year 5 Moving Toys

Year 5 have really enjoyed their new D.T. Unit ‘Moving Toys’. They have been creative and innovative with their designs. They have worked cooperatively to support each other with their designs, as well as showing a lot of determination and perseverance. Well done Year 5!

Visit from Watford Schools Trust

On Wednesday we had a visit from Watford Schools Trust, to talk about the true meaning of Christmas They helped the children understand the significance of the different coloured baubles; and even had time to perform a magic trick. 

Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day

A very festive day with our Christmas jumper and lunch, followed by Christmas activities in the afternoon which was enjoyed by all.  

Year 6 D.T. Electric Cards

Year 6 have loved the new Design and Technology unit on creating electric cards.  They have used their science skills and knowledge to help create an electric circuit using copper write, bulb and a battery to create their electric card.  Their designs were excellent and very creative!

Year 3 Performance

Our Year 3 children put on a fantastic performance of the Nativity Story. They impressed us with their singing, dancing and acting skills. It was a very amusing play! Well done Year 3.

Christmas Carols at St. James’ Church

It was lovely to see the whole school at St. James’ Church to sing carols and learn more about the Christmas story at St. James’ Church. Father David who led our service was very welcoming and the children’s singing was fantastic. It was a nice way to start the last week of the autumn term.

Forces Club-melting snowmen biscuits

This week in forces club the children enjoyed making melting snowmen biscuits, with icing and marshmallows.

Hanukkah Assembly

On Tuesday we had a visit from the Jewish School Tour with Rabbi Yosef, who hosted another wonderful assembly. This time about the Jewish festival of lights, Hanukkah. The children learned why the dreidel is significant and why there are 8 candles on a menorah.  

4M Cornet Performance to Parents

Throughout this academic year, 4M have been exploring the world of music through brass instrumentation, specifically the cornet. They have been learning about all aspects of music including the historic, cultural and performance-based significance of the craft. On Tuesday, 4M had the chance to perform in front of their parents and they’ve all enjoyed listening …

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