Category: whole school

Hanukkah Assembly

On Tuesday we had a visit from the Jewish School Tour with Rabbi Yosef, who hosted another wonderful assembly. This time about the Jewish festival of lights, Hanukkah. The children learned why the dreidel is significant and why there are 8 candles on a menorah.  

4M Cornet Performance to Parents

Throughout this academic year, 4M have been exploring the world of music through brass instrumentation, specifically the cornet. They have been learning about all aspects of music including the historic, cultural and performance-based significance of the craft. On Tuesday, 4M had the chance to perform in front of their parents and they’ve all enjoyed listening …

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Year 3 Visit to Bushey Library

Year 3 visited Bushey Library on Tuesday and during this visit, the children had an introduction to the library and the services it provides, listened to a story called ‘Shark in the Park!’ by Nick Sharratt and then had the chance to browse and borrow a book.

Year 4 Science Experiment

Year 4 conducted a very messy, but engaging experiment this week to demonstrate the journey our food takes through the digestive system – in one end and ALL the way out the other.

Kings Lieutenant workshop – Year 6

It has been a busy week at Ashfield.  On Friday, we were visited by representatives of the King’s Lieutenant who delivered a workshop about the monarchy and the Commonwealth Values.  Our visitors led a workshop for Year 6 where they explored the Commonwealth Values in more detail.  It was good to see children actively taking …

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Year 4 Trip to Bhaktivedanta Manor

On Wednesday, Year 4 visited Bhaktivedanta Manor in Watford to support their learning in RE. They were invited into the Shrine to see the beautiful Murti’s; and had a lesson on the importance of the soul. Some children had the opportunity to dress up as the tri-murti and their Goddess wives. They also had time …

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Basketball Tournament

On Thursday and Friday last week, the children took part in our bi-annular Basketball Tournament. The weather for once was good in November and we even saw the sun at times! It was undoubtedly one of the best tournaments we have hosted at Ashfield. Both Mr Jones and I were delighted to witness the high …

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The Elms Multi-Sports Leaderboard Winners

Mr Jones attended achievements assembly last week to present Ella (3L) and Maya (5G) their certificates for being The Elms Multi-sports leaderboard winners.

Year 6 visit to Whipsnade Zoo

Year 6 visited Whipsnade Zoo as part of their Science Topic on Evolution and Inheritance and had a fascinating day. They looked carefully at rhinos, giraffes and flamingos to see how the species have adapted to their environments over time.

Anti Bullying Week

This week, we have been learning about anti-bullying.  This year’s theme is ‘Respect‘ which is also one of our school values.  In our class assembly, we looked at ways at being a safer and more respectful school.  The School Council also set out an antibullying poster competition and the winning posters will be laminated and displayed …

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