Category: whole school

Remembrance Assembly

On Monday, our Year 6 children led our Remembrance Day Assembly. We were joined by some of our Forces families  who talked about the significance of Remembrance Day and why it is important to them. After the assembly and two minute silence, Mr Dourado, parents, and children from the Forces families walked to the Memorial …

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Year 4 Diwali Assembly

The children learned about various religions that celebrate this bright and colorful festival . The message of the Diwali story (good triumphs over evil) was a point of reflection. It was a beautiful coming together of our Ashfield community as we appreciate one of our many cultures within.

Year 5 Harvest Assembly

The Year 5  Harvest Assembly was EXCELLENT and it was nice to see a lot of parents and carers visit the school.  It is always nice to celebrate Harvest Festival – it is a time to be thankful for the food that we have. But more importantly, it is about giving something back to the …

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Year 6 Art

This term, Year 6 have been exploring and creating 2d images onto 3d designs.   The finished artwork were these creative cereal boxes.  Well done Year 6!

World Mental Health Day

On 10th October, we had an assembly and class activities on how we can look after our mental health and improve our wellbeing. We learnt more about our mental health and how it focuses our mind, emotions and wellbeing and how it affects how we think, feel and act. We learnt that it is okay …

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Year 4 Cornet Lesson

4M are enjoying their cornet lesson this term with Miss Oliver. They have learnt how to hold the cornet , rhythm’s, lengths/durations of notes and how to read music on a musical stave. They will soon start learning how to play their first tune ‘Hot Cross Buns’.

European Languages Day

  Bonjour, bom dia, beunos dias!  This week, we celebrated European Languages Day with an assembly led by Mrs Kothary who is our French subject leader.  It was nice to see children talk about and celebrate the many different languages that they can speak, whether it was an European  language  or from another country around …

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Year 6 Tie Assembly

The Year 6 Tie Assembly was excellent and it was lovely to see the pupils receive their new Ashfield tie.  Year 6 have settled in really well and carrying out their jobs and responsibilities around the school with pride.

Welcome to Ashfield Junior School Blog

Welcome to our new school blog. This blog will be uploaded with photos and information about school events and activities.  We hope that you enjoy this.